Johnny Depp Goes Deep In Transcendence!

As a Johnny Depp fan I was really excited to see him on the big screen once again…. and to be honest any movie starring Johnny Depp I will watch no matter what the movie is about, even if he was miming I would be happy to stare at the big screen for two hours.

Before I was lucky enough to see this movie I read the hype surrounding this flick online with reports that this movie is the most anticipated movie for autumn, so I was looking forward to see what was on offer.

Johnny Depp plays a very convincing doctor named Will Caster who love and affection for his wife Evelyn played by Rebecca Hall is romantically captivating.

Dr Will Caster is a leader in the field of Artificial Intelligence and his life goal is to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever know with the full range of human emotions. Caster’s team includes his wife Evelyn and his best friend Max played by Paul Bettany.

Transcendence takes you on a journey of what life would be like if you had the ability to transcend into a different world, it also shows how society would react if they disagreed with such magical powers, but my best is advice is to pay attention from the start, otherwise you will get lost.

Morgan Freeman once again is BRILLIANT on the big screen and he never disappoints when it comes to showing his true talents as an actor. Freeman’s character Joseph Tagger is one of comfort and trustworthy characteristic’s with a few surprising moments as well.

Regardless of all the mixed reviews of this film, I would say take a risk it might just surprise you even if you are not a lover of Johnny Depp.

Directed by Wall Pfister


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