Happy International Woman’s Day


My beautiful Mum - Car Car!

To all the women in the world you are beautiful!

Embrace who you are and love you body inside and outside!

Thank you to my Mum and Dad for bringing me into this world and giving me the BEST childhood I could ever ask for…….even though we had no money.

My mum alway said to me….

You can be whoever you want to be!

You can have anything in this world you just have to go and get it!

If you don't' try you will never know!

You are beautiful inside and out!

My Mum always encouraged  me to manifest my dreams, even my dream of being a world champaign roller skater at the age of 12 but kindly said I should always have a back up plan!

(So glad I had a plan b)

Remember to love yourself and celebrate all the amazing things about you and your life!

Happy International Woman's Day

#internationalwomansday #ladies #love #body #happy #dreams #life #mothers #daughters #women #australia #world

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